Prior to 2008, 22 hunting districts (HDs) in Montana had limited-draw, either-sex rifle permits, while the archery season was op...
We evaluated the effects of 3 restrictive season types on mule deer population and harvest characteristics in 41 Montana hunting...
During Montana’s biennial process for establishing hunting seasons, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) listens to issues, ad...
We evaluated the effects of changes in elk archery hunting seasons in eastern Montana on hunter numbers, days, and densities and...
- Volume 17, No. 1-4, Issue , 2011
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Rich, Lindsey N., Sime, Carolyn A., Gude, Justin A., Glenn, Betsy, Mitchell, Michael S.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Reliable knowledge of the status and trend of carnivore populations is critical to their conservation. In the Northern Rocky Mou...
- Volume 17, No. 1-4, Issue , 2011
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Gude, Justin A., Bangs, Edward E., Sime, Carolyn A., Russell, Robin E., Mech, L. David, Ream, Robert R., Mitchell, Michael S.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Reliable analyses can help wildlife managers make good decisions, which are particularly critical for controversial decisions su...
- Volume 17, No. 1-4, Issue , 2011
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Sime, Carolyn A., Thompson, Mike, Alt, Kurt, Gude, Justin A., Russell, Robin E., Bradley, Liz, Lance, Nathan, Laudon, Kent, Ross, Mike, Kujala, Quentin, Ensign, John, Mule, Ray, Sullivan, Mark, Taylor, Graham, Williams, Jim, Asher, Val, Mitchell, Michael S.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Montana’s wolf (Canis lupus) conservation and management plan is based on adaptive management principles and includes regulate...
Perceived declines in Shiras moose (Alces alces shirasi) in many areas across Montana in recent years have elicited concern from...
- Volume 16, No. 4, Issue , 2010
- Part of Biological Sciences - Terrestrial
- Authored by Rich, Lindsey N., Sime, Carolyn A., Gude, Justin A., Russell, Robin E., Mitchell, Michael S.
- Abstract • Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society (TWS) - Presentation Abstract
Carnivores are difficult to monitor on large spatial scales. We developed a patch occupancy model (POM) using hunter surveys to ...
Trend area flights offer substantial cost and time-savings over total population counts, but trend area data need to be calibrat...